Hey TAP-DC hikers!
Come join TAP-DC on a beautiful hike at Sky Meadows State Park Afterwards we will be heading to Yen's Cafe for some delicious Taiwanese food
This will be a moderately easy 7.1 mile hike that will take about 3.5 hours.
(UPDATED) Arrive by 8:45 am, start at 9 am
$10/car entrance fee and plenty of parking space
If you need a ride, please fill out this form: https://www.groupcarpool.com/t/h89gpa OR email McKenzie and Derek at mckenzie.hyde@tap-dc.org and derek.yen@tap-dc.org
Bring lots of water (Roughly 2 liters)!
Wear sturdy hiking boots & appropriate hiking attire (check the weather ahead of time; mornings tend to be colder)
Pack plenty of snacks
MAP: https://www.hikingupward.com/ovh/skymeadows/...
Coordinates: 38.99144, -77.96591
CONTACT: If you have any questions or issues, please reach out to McKenzie at mckenzie.hyde@tap-dc.org or Derek at Derek.Yen@tap-dc.org.
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tap-dc-sky-meadows-state-park-hike-tickets-536534207257
Visit tap-dc.org to sign up for membership/newsletter and our IG/FB @tap-dc for the latest updates and more info on events like these!
We look forward to seeing you!