To celebrate Taiwan National Day (Double Ten Day), TAP-DC is hosting a free, introductory lesson in Chinese Calligraphy, with complimentary Taiwanese tea tasting and snacks!
Attendees will get to sample a variety of Taiwanese teas, including: Sun Moon Lake Black Tea (日月潭紅茶), High Mountain Alishan Oolong Tea (高山地阿里山烏龍茶), Tie Guan Yin Oolong Tea (鐵觀音), and Bao Zhong Oolong Tea / Pouchong (包種茶) from the Pinglin District.
All calligraphy supplies, including brushes, ink, and paper will be provided. Our guest presenter will help us through hands-on learning in writing Chinese characters and can also teach basic Chinese brush painting. No experience necessary Spots are limited, so sign up soon! RSVP:
The event will take place at CCTECRO (Cultural Center of Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office) on 10/16 at 1pm.
Questions? Please feel free to reach out to